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Tuesday, 30 June 2020


Today academic trainings in form of theory and practical in the field of science and technology in Nigeria has become nothing more than a foundational structures for the one been trained to lean or build on into the future career practice. It is now the survival of the fittest to move with time and tides. 
Time and tides now dictates the quality of output in a service discharged within specific periods. Most equipment for trainings are either obsolete, not functional or not available in our various institutions, Industries, Factories, etc. 

Another fundamental challenge is that in this age, globally equipment design has metamorphosed from analog to digital; so, virtually every component has been modernized and computerized. This has led to a faster, neater and quicker way of investigation, analysis and diagnosis. 
Coping with changes in analytical method for global research acceptability is equally a limiting factor to a developing country like ours. Non-availability of good maintenance culture and maintenance personnel to manage our existing facilities pose another critical challenge.

How do we get out of these predicaments? 

Laboratory Technologists are the simple panacea to the above endemic situation. Every institution that engages in science, technology and engineering trainings should go back to do the following;

Firstly, they should put in place equipment maintenance and design centers as a department in their institution to be managed by a team of laboratory Technologists/Scientists.

Secondly, every institution should start sponsoring their SCIENTISTS and TECHNOLOGISTS for oversea trainings and conferences for international exposure to new technologies and innovations and also on local periodic trainings relating to their respective areas of specialization.

Furthermore, it is obvious that Technologist(s) has not only been under utilized in our various institutions (be it University, Research institute and Polytechnics etc) in Nigeria but that they have not been placed on their right pedestal and designation. This should be revisited for correction to boost their morale for better performance.
Lastly, procurement of modern day equipment should be given priority by every management. For the above chain of solution to continue to flow, a square peg must always be put in a square hole when it comes to Technologist and Scientist recruitment and placement in every establishment.
The only undoubtful panacea to our crawling science and technological advancement are the CHARTERED SCIENTISTS & TECHNOLOGISTS empowered by NISLT License. 

Written by Olagbaju, Olugbenga, AISLT (Geology & Mining option).

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